The impact of Sponsoring a Child on Their Education

Developing Sustainable Education Programs for Children in the Sahara: Strategies and Challenges


The Sahara Desert, known for its vast expanse of sand and extreme temperatures, is also home to communities striving to provide quality education to their children under challenging circumstances.

Developing sustainable education programs in such an environment necessitates innovative approaches and a deep understanding of the local context, culture, and resources. The imperative to equip children with knowledge and skills for a changing world, while ensuring the sustainability of educational initiatives, poses unique challenges in the Sahara.

These include logistical difficulties, limited access to resources, and the need to create curricula that are both relevant and adaptive to the harsh climate and nomadic lifestyle of many Sahara inhabitants.

This blog post will explore strategies to develop and implement sustainable education programs for children in the Sahara, highlighting the challenges faced and the creative solutions being applied to overcome them.

Understanding Sustainable Education Programs in the Sahara

Importance of sustainable education for children

Sustainable education in the Sahara is crucial for empowering the next generation with the knowledge and skills needed to overcome environmental challenges and socio-economic barriers. It equips children with a robust understanding of sustainable living practices, encourages responsibility towards their local environments, and enhances their capacity for innovation and problem-solving.

By emphasizing education that is resilient, accessible, and tailored to the unique context of the Sahara, sustainable education programs aim to foster a generation that can lead their communities towards a more sustainable future.

Current status of education programs in the Sahara

The current status of education programs in the Sahara is marked by significant challenges, including limited access to schools, scarce resources, and a lack of qualified teachers. Despite these obstacles, several initiatives have made strides in bringing education to remote areas through innovative solutions like mobile schools and digital learning platforms.

However, sustaining these efforts and ensuring they meet the needs of all children remains a pressing concern. The integration of sustainability into the curriculum is sporadic, emphasizing the need for a more cohesive and comprehensive approach to education in the region.

Strategies for Developing Sustainable Education Programs
Engaging local communities and parents in education initiatives

One effective strategy for enhancing the sustainability of education programs is to actively involve local communities and parents in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of these initiatives. This collaborative approach ensures that educational content is relevant to the students’ cultural context and real-world experiences.

Engaging community members can also foster a sense of ownership and responsibility towards the success of the education programs, leading to better attendance rates and more meaningful learning outcomes.

  • Encourage community workshops to identify educational needs and priorities
  • Involve parents and local leaders in school governance
  • Develop community-based projects as part of the curriculum

Leveraging technology for remote learning

Technology plays a pivotal role in overcoming geographical isolation and resource limitations in the Sahara. By leveraging digital platforms and tools, educators can reach children in even the most remote areas, ensuring that distance does not hinder access to quality education.

Online resources, virtual classrooms, and educational apps can complement traditional teaching methods, providing a diverse and engaging learning experience for students.

  • Use satellite internet to connect remote classrooms
  • Introduce tablets and smartphones as learning tools
  • Develop digital content that is interactive and culturally relevant

Incorporating traditional knowledge and practices in the curriculum

Integrating traditional Saharan knowledge and practices into the curriculum is essential for creating education programs that are not only sustainable but also deeply resonant with the local culture. This approach values the wisdom passed down through generations and recognizes its relevance in contemporary education.

By honoring and revitalizing traditional practices, such as indigenous methods of water conservation and land management, education programs can instill a sense of pride in students and strengthen their connection to their heritage and environment.

  • Collaborate with elders and community experts as guest educators
  • Integrate lessons on local ecology and sustainable practices
  • Use storytelling and oral histories to teach critical concepts

Challenges in Implementing Sustainable Education Programs
Image courtesy: Royal Mission Media.

Overcoming language barriers for effective teaching

One significant challenge in implementing sustainable education programs in the Sahara is the language barrier. The Sahara region is linguistically diverse, with communities speaking various languages and dialects. Educators often face the difficulty of teaching in a language that is accessible to all children. To overcome this, programs can employ bilingual teachers, develop multilingual educational materials, and incorporate language-learning into the curriculum, ensuring that all children understand the lessons and participate actively.

Lack of infrastructure and resources in remote areas

The Sahara Desert’s vast and sparsely populated areas pose a challenge to the development of educational infrastructure. Many children live in remote areas far from schools, making regular attendance difficult. The scarcity of resources such as textbooks, technology, and adequately trained teachers further hampers educational efforts. Mobile schools, online learning resources, and teacher training programs can help bridge these gaps, making education more accessible to children across the region.

Addressing cultural barriers and resistance to education

In some Sahara communities, cultural norms and economic pressures may lead to resistance towards formal education, especially for girls. Overcoming these barriers requires community-based approaches that respect cultural values while promoting the benefits of education for all children. Engaging with community leaders and parents through dialogue and workshops can help shift perceptions and encourage a more positive attitude towards education.

Success Stories in Sustainable Education Programs
Highlighting successful projects in the Sahara region

Several projects have demonstrated success in overcoming the challenges of providing sustainable education in the Sahara. For instance, mobile schools have brought education to remote nomadic communities, ensuring children do not miss out due to their families’ lifestyle.

Similarly, solar-powered learning centers have provided the needed infrastructure where it was lacking, offering a consistent and environment-friendly solution. These projects highlight the potential for innovative approaches to make a significant impact in the region.

Impact of education programs on children and communities

The positive effects of sustainable education programs in the Sahara are profound. Children who participate in these programs gain essential literacy and numeracy skills, which significantly improve their future opportunities.

Additionally, educated individuals can contribute more effectively to their communities, fostering economic development and promoting sustainable practices. Moreover, education fosters a sense of empowerment among children, particularly girls, leading to increased participation in community decision-making and a shift toward more equitable gender norms.

Conclusion: Moving Forward with Sustainable Education in the Sahara

Education is crucial for empowering children, fostering sustainable communities, and promoting economic development. In the Sahara Desert, where extreme conditions exacerbate the challenges of delivering quality education, innovative strategies and steadfast commitment are instrumental.

Building sustainable education programs for children in this region requires a multifaceted approach, addressing immediate educational needs while investing in long-term infrastructure and human capabilities.
To move forward, stakeholders must focus on the following priorities:

  • Engagement with local communities: Ensuring programs are culturally sensitive and tailored to the unique needs of each community.
  • Leveraging technology: Utilizing digital resources and online platforms to deliver education in remote areas, though also ensuring offline resources for areas with limited internet connectivity.
  • Building capacity: Training local educators and investing in their continued professional development is key to sustaining program initiatives.
  • Partnerships: Collaborating with NGOs, governments, and international bodies to pool resources and expertise.
  • Monitoring and evaluation: Continuously assessing the impact of educational programs to refine and improve delivery methods.
  • The journey toward establishing a sustainable education framework in the Sahara is filled with challenges. Yet, the potential rewards — for the children and communities of the Sahara, and indeed for the broader goal of global sustainability — are immense. Through innovative solutions, collaborative efforts, and an unwavering dedication to the cause, a brighter educational future in the Sahara is not just a possibility but an achievable reality.

You can support Royal Missionary Outreach International education for Sahara Desert Children ongoing project today! Just click the button below to sponsor a desert child.

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Implementing Sustainable Education Programs for Children in Arid Regions

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Discover strategies & overcoming challenges in sustainable education programs for children in the Sahara Desert.

The impact of Sponsoring a Child on Their Education

Volunteer Mission Trip to Agadez

Sultan of Agadez…in Niger Republic hosts three-day Christian outreach
February 19, 2019.

In the core North of Africa i.e. Sahara Desert, Elites are the gate to the common men. The common men and women are in their hands.

The mass evangelism method in the North is; ensuring the conversion of the elite class or at least getting them to identify with what we were doing publicly.

Those in this class are the Religious leaders, Traditional rulers and the Political leaders. So, our evangelism was primarily targeted at them and this made our work easier for the local ministers and the residing missionaries.


The outreach was done with 40 Participants made up of medical personnel, Intercessors and Mission workers.

We took off from Abuja on the 3rd of May and came back to Abuja on the 22nd of May 2018.
We did outreach in Agadez, In-Gall and Tanout.

“Behold I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth;
shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the Desert”. Isaiah 43:19.

Several things happened in this outreach that has never happen since people began to settle in Sahara Desert.
God used the Islam Chief Imam of Agadez and the Sultan of Agadez Region to host the mission outreach right inside Palace of the Sultan for 3 days.

In the North, Traditional Rulers especially the sultans are the custodians of Islamic religion: releasing their palace for Christians outreach is viewed by Moslems as an act of betrayal of trust.

More so, Agadez indigenes do boast of traditional worship and cultures. Their Kings’ palace is viewed as the spiritual altars for the entire desert land not to be contested for by minority Christian religion.

With this backgrounds one may appreciate the body and verbal languages of the Sultan de L’Air of Agadez declaring before a crowd of his subjects that “He – the Sultan – is a product of Missionaries, and he shall support every Christians’ mission efforts in Sahara Desert.

This year 2018 shall be exactly 100 years the Agadez Palace was built. And exactly 900 years the famous and historical Agadez mosque was constructed.

In all these years, this outreach was the first Christian ever conducted within the palace which was built in the compound of the mosque.

Truly God pledged to do a new thing… in the Desert.
Many without much preaching openly confessed and surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ.

Three of these new converts were baptized by us while the rest were handed over to the local ministers for baptism and discipleship.

Among the three that were baptized is a Traditional leader of a Fulani community who publicly confesses and begs Christ and Christians to please forgive him for persecuting and hindering many members of his community who were willing to become Christians.

He was already 80 years old and pleaded us earnestly to please baptize him as he has surrendered his life to Christ.
As he announced this, one of her daughter 50 years old and his wife also publicly surrendered their lives to Christ.

These were the three we baptized because of the demand they placed on us, while other were to be baptized by the Church body in Agadez .


The outreach was done in Agadez Prison for two days with a demonstration of Jesus love through free medical consultation, free medicine and free food.

The Prison Chief Warder also confessed that since the foundation of the Prison, no one has ever brought medical and food assistance to the Agadez Prison Inmates.


In-Gall was founded 1,600 years ago before Agadez was founded. The region of In- Gall land mass is about 52,000kmsq with 38,000 population (ref. last election).

In- Gall is the spiritual altars of the desert. Late Ghadafi was said her mother was from there. God used the Government of In-Gall district to host our outreach in In-Gall.

He pleaded with all earnestness that we should come to his land and bless his people. He ordered military escort throughout the journey.

The local Chiefs more than 20 in number lined up at the border of In-Gall to welcome us waiting there until 8pm that we arrived. They made lodging and feeding arrangements very richly to impress us to come again.

Up till now, there is no single Church in the entire 52, 000kmsq of In-Gall.
District Governor pledged to give us as much land as we might need to build Church and all other projects we might want to do In-Gall.


On our way back home, we stopped to visit our friend the District Governor of Tanout.
We also donated medicine to the children ward of the General Hospital in Tanout and did medical outreach among the Government functionaries.
The Governor and the people pleaded for a mission primary & Secondary Schools and even mission medical facilities in their Land.

We experienced the conversion of Fulani natives in this mission trip. Many of them were eager to become Christians. The conversion of these people was unprecedented.
We appreciate every one that participated through prayers, going and even giving. May God of harvest bless and reward you all in Jesus name.


Children Education

God’s Focus on Desert Children


All through human history from biblical and even contemporary record we noticed whenever a people groups, nation or society fell into evil bondage, error or corruption, focus were immediately shifted to their children.

This strategy may take time but to some extent, it is effective.


Genesis 3:15 ERV
I will make you and the woman enemies to each other. Your children and her children will be enemies. You will bite her child’s foot, but he will crush your head.”

As soon as Adam and Eve fell to the corruption and bondage of Lucifer in Eden’s garden God redemption was to begin a program that will result to a complete and total change focusing on their children.

You will bite her child’s foot, but he will crush your head.”
Genesis 3:15 ERV

But I will bring your children, whom you said would become plunder, into the land you have rejected—and they will enjoy it.
Numbers 14:31 BSB

Again, after the Israelites had fallen to unbelieve and had rejected the promised land, God focus on their children, and commence a program that result to their possessing the Land.

Take seven of every kind of bird. Take males and females. Do this so that they will give birth to young ones. Then each different kind of animal and bird will continue to live on the earth. In seven days, I will cause rain to fall on the earth. It will rain for 40 days and 40 nights. In that way, I will destroy every living thing that I have made on the earth.’
Genesis 7:3‭-‬4 EASY‬

When God want to destroy the whole world because of corruption and wickedness, God set to begin a new world with the young ones of Human and Animals.

I’m giving this land to your children, from the Nile River in Egypt to the River Euphrates in Assyria—the country of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaim, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, and Jebusites.” * * *
Genesis 15:17‭-‬21 MSG‬

When God want to give the Canaan land to Abraham he focus on his Children.

In all these instances, We see God engaging children to effect meaningful and permanent positive changes in the societies of men.


Divine providence brought Western Missionaries to Africa at a critical period. Nigeria was a case study.

The Missionaries met their mission fields in Nigeria saturated with demonic bondage and insecurities as a result of constant communal war, gang raids of men, women and children with aim to sell them for money making to the slave traders or ritualist. In these processes many lost their lives in huge numbers.

This describes the situation of the nation of Nigeria now.

Today we are faced with gang raiding Kidnappers, Fulani bandits and Boko harams who either sold their victims back to their families or the ritualist depends on the highest bidder. The cost which goes into several Millions of Naira besides several victims killed in the hands of their abductors.

How did Missionaries respond?

The Western Missionaries who met their mission fields this way set up free education focusing on the children of the locals. The program sponsored through mission loving men and women at their homeland.

The children so trained under such Missionary Teachers soon possess several gates. They became national leaders who fought for the Nation’s independence, change several obnoxious cultural practices and champion the evangelization of their people.
Among them were: Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Bishop Ajayi Crowder, Obafemi Awolowo, Sir Abubakar Balewa, etc.

The education support program focus on the African children impact positively to the transformations of our societies in Nigeria.

The perennial challenge of violence, insecurities and human sacrifice in then Nigeria died down through missionaries free education system.


Men of Royal Missionary Outreach International met people groups in Sahara desert facing situation similar to the one in the early 19th century.

Due to lack of school in several towns and villages of African desert, poverty persists in the land.

Some obsolete pastoral culture keep generating violence and insecurities between herders and farmers.

The uneducated and idle children of desert often fell into the hands of greedy and corrupt politicians to be used as trans-border thugs in neighboring countries.

Foreign terrorist began to indoctrinate the uneducated desert children and youth on fanatic ideologies and so recruiting them for criminal activities.

In response, we focus on free education support program for the desert children.

Several notable Politicians and Traditional rulers in Northern Niger and even the entire Niger Republic had gone through their education under the hands of Missionaries in several Mission schools.

Through the ethics and godly influences of the Missionaries the societies in desert is getting transformed,

With the support of several mission lovers across the world, the children of Sahara desert at the hands of our Missionaries now shall champion positive changes and conversion of their people groups to Christ the Lord in few years to come.

Then, aforementioned challenges in desert of Africa will permanently be eradicated just as it works out in Nigeria.


The Holy Spirit is reaching out to several people groups in Sahara desert through their children.

With 600usd a year or 50usd a month, you too can sponsor a desert child’s education today and be part of the program of God focus on desert children.

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• WhatsApp: +234816612043

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