God’s Focus on Desert Children


All through human history from biblical and even contemporary record we noticed whenever a people groups, nation or society fell into evil bondage, error or corruption, focus were immediately shifted to their children.

This strategy may take time but to some extent, it is effective.


Genesis 3:15 ERV
I will make you and the woman enemies to each other. Your children and her children will be enemies. You will bite her child’s foot, but he will crush your head.”

As soon as Adam and Eve fell to the corruption and bondage of Lucifer in Eden’s garden God redemption was to begin a program that will result to a complete and total change focusing on their children.

You will bite her child’s foot, but he will crush your head.”
Genesis 3:15 ERV

But I will bring your children, whom you said would become plunder, into the land you have rejected—and they will enjoy it.
Numbers 14:31 BSB

Again, after the Israelites had fallen to unbelieve and had rejected the promised land, God focus on their children, and commence a program that result to their possessing the Land.

Take seven of every kind of bird. Take males and females. Do this so that they will give birth to young ones. Then each different kind of animal and bird will continue to live on the earth. In seven days, I will cause rain to fall on the earth. It will rain for 40 days and 40 nights. In that way, I will destroy every living thing that I have made on the earth.’
Genesis 7:3‭-‬4 EASY‬

When God want to destroy the whole world because of corruption and wickedness, God set to begin a new world with the young ones of Human and Animals.

I’m giving this land to your children, from the Nile River in Egypt to the River Euphrates in Assyria—the country of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaim, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, and Jebusites.” * * *
Genesis 15:17‭-‬21 MSG‬

When God want to give the Canaan land to Abraham he focus on his Children.

In all these instances, We see God engaging children to effect meaningful and permanent positive changes in the societies of men.


Divine providence brought Western Missionaries to Africa at a critical period. Nigeria was a case study.

The Missionaries met their mission fields in Nigeria saturated with demonic bondage and insecurities as a result of constant communal war, gang raids of men, women and children with aim to sell them for money making to the slave traders or ritualist. In these processes many lost their lives in huge numbers.

This describes the situation of the nation of Nigeria now.

Today we are faced with gang raiding Kidnappers, Fulani bandits and Boko harams who either sold their victims back to their families or the ritualist depends on the highest bidder. The cost which goes into several Millions of Naira besides several victims killed in the hands of their abductors.

How did Missionaries respond?

The Western Missionaries who met their mission fields this way set up free education focusing on the children of the locals. The program sponsored through mission loving men and women at their homeland.

The children so trained under such Missionary Teachers soon possess several gates. They became national leaders who fought for the Nation’s independence, change several obnoxious cultural practices and champion the evangelization of their people.
Among them were: Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Bishop Ajayi Crowder, Obafemi Awolowo, Sir Abubakar Balewa, etc.

The education support program focus on the African children impact positively to the transformations of our societies in Nigeria.

The perennial challenge of violence, insecurities and human sacrifice in then Nigeria died down through missionaries free education system.


Men of Royal Missionary Outreach International met people groups in Sahara desert facing situation similar to the one in the early 19th century.

Due to lack of school in several towns and villages of African desert, poverty persists in the land.

Some obsolete pastoral culture keep generating violence and insecurities between herders and farmers.

The uneducated and idle children of desert often fell into the hands of greedy and corrupt politicians to be used as trans-border thugs in neighboring countries.

Foreign terrorist began to indoctrinate the uneducated desert children and youth on fanatic ideologies and so recruiting them for criminal activities.

In response, we focus on free education support program for the desert children.

Several notable Politicians and Traditional rulers in Northern Niger and even the entire Niger Republic had gone through their education under the hands of Missionaries in several Mission schools.

Through the ethics and godly influences of the Missionaries the societies in desert is getting transformed,

With the support of several mission lovers across the world, the children of Sahara desert at the hands of our Missionaries now shall champion positive changes and conversion of their people groups to Christ the Lord in few years to come.

Then, aforementioned challenges in desert of Africa will permanently be eradicated just as it works out in Nigeria.


The Holy Spirit is reaching out to several people groups in Sahara desert through their children.

With 600usd a year or 50usd a month, you too can sponsor a desert child’s education today and be part of the program of God focus on desert children.

• For more enquiry visit our website: www.royalmission.org/wp_962
• Email address: romiotinter@gmail.com
• WhatsApp: +234816612043

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Royal Missionary Outreach International

A trans Saharan Mission Organization

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